Category: Technology
Best Cloud Backup Solution for Mac
If you don’t have a backup solution in place you should get one… like, today. Cloud-based backup solutions are cheap, but your data is probably invaluable to you.
PowerPoint Alternatives
Great PowerPoint alternatives to help you make your next presentation amazing and wow your audience.
Learn to Code
Learn to code for free online… It’s so easy a child could do it. In fact, those with children should be encouraging them to learn!
New and Trending Technologies: AR and VR
Trending Technologies Like gamification in the past few years, there is a lot of buzz about some new technologies being applied in the learning and business ecosphere: VR, AR, SMS, NFC, Bots, xAPI, etc. I’ve seen some really amazing examples of how people have applied these technologies, but I use the gamification reference for a…
Automated Video Production Tools
Rapid video production tools for eLearning, entertainment, publishers, and hobbyists.
Flash/HTML5 – What You Need To Know In The Coming Months
Flash isn’t dead quite yet, but with all popular web browser implementing timelines for phasing out support for Flash content, there’s another nail put in its coffin every day. What does that mean for eLearning developers that have been creating presentations for several years now? Here’s a timeline for the major browsers, and authoring tools.
Articulate 360 Released!
Everything you need to know about Articulate 360, and why you should upgrade, in five minutes, HERE!
Camtasia 9
Check out My Review It’s officially been 30 days since the release of TechSmith’s new version of Camtasia. After using it for a month, I finally feel qualified to comment on this, “major update”.